Dune in Sand Surface

Yoga is balance

In a world that is constantly changing, it's hard to find balance. Our instructors at Equanimity MBS focus on ​various styles and aspects of yoga hoping to help you find some balance while learning to live a yoga life.

Learning to live a yoga life is taking what you learn during your practice and applying it not only on, but off the ​mat, and into your daily life. Living a yoga life can lead to a lifestyle of healthy, conscious choices, and actions ​that may not only improve your own well-being but those around you as you learn to balance your mind, body, and ​soul, creating space for a healthier and happier you.

While practicing with us, we invite you to experience yoga and see what it has to offer you. Our main goal is to ​help you on your personal journey and hope that you leave feeling a little bit better than when you came in.

Everybody and every Body is different so our classes are accessable for all levels. It doesn't matter if this is ​your first class or you’re a regular yogi, we hope to see you there!

Yoga class


For centuries yoga has been studied for its many benefits and abilities to improve your overall health and wellness. ​We know how important health is and want to assist you on your journey by showing you how to get the most out ​of your yoga practice. We are here to help you experience yoga by teaching various techniques, styles, and ​asanas while focusing on all aspects of yoga, mind, body, and soul.

Yoga Can Help...

Woman Meditating with Her Eyes Closed


improve focus

sharpen concentration

relieve depression

reduce stress

decrease anxiety

improve sleep cycles

improve mood

improve memory

Asia woman doing yoga fitness exercise


increase strength

improve balance

increase flexibility

strengthen immunity

improve respiration

improve heart health

reduce inflammation

reduce pain

Maximum Training Yoga


calm your mind

promote relaxation

create compassion

encourage mindfulness

encourage self-care

build awareness

be a part of a ​community!


Yoga on the Beach

Since we know personally how beneficial yoga can be, we wanted to make it more accessible for everyone by offering ​different styles, workshops, and community classes. We meet you where you are at and help you progress on your journey ​making yoga more accessible allowing people who may have not had access to it, be able to participate at their comfort level. ​Our classes are focused on trying to create balance in the mind, body, and soul. We offer multiple styles of yoga at locally ​selected public parks, businesses, and beaches. With multiple styles available there's sure to be a class for everyone to enjoy!

Check out our schedule for your next class!

Private sessions

Women practicing yoga

Private Sessions provide the opportunity to grow in a more focused setting where the practice is driven around you, your goals, ​and what you are looking to accomplish. Working one-on-one or in a private group is a great way to learn how to personalize your ​practice, while progressing on your yoga journey!

Whether you are a an individual, a company planning your next Team Building Event or a group of friends looking for a healthy ​activity, Private Sessions are a great way to get a deeper connection with your practice.

Message us to Schedule your next Private or Group Session

Event Classes

woman doing yoga on sup board at sunset. outdoor summer activity. Sup yoga.  Social Distancing. copy space. Mental Health

Event Yoga Classes are not your typical yoga class, these are classes that incorporate yoga with other activities ​like SUP Yoga (Stand Up Paddleboard), Wobbly Warrior (with adult beverages), Workshops, and Retreats.


Whether you are a company looking to book your own Event Yoga Class or just looking to participate in one of ​our scheduled events, these classes offer a different approach of practicing yoga, providing an activity and ​environment that is normally not available in your traditional yoga classes.

get tickets to our next event!

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Get to know us


I live with a handful of rare and incurable illnesses ranging from digestive, nerve, muscle, bone and joint issues that left me disabled ​and bedridden in my early 20's, suffering from extreme anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. I found yoga after I had exhausted all ​that modern medicine had to offer me. Once I experienced what yoga could do, I was HOOKED! I felt better than I had in decades ​which lead me down a rabbit hole of learning as much as I could to help myself heal holistically. I began learning different styles of ​yoga, attending different classes and studios, continuing my studies on various subjects such as meditation, psychology, human anatomy ​and physiology, reflexology, Vagal nerves, myofascial release, disease, nutrition, chronic pain, frequencies and sound healing, chakras, ​meridian lines, pressure points, alternative therapies, and understanding the effects of stress and trauma on the body. I applied all ​the techniques I learned to helped myself reduce my overall pain, everyday symptoms, and use of prescription medications. I am ​continuously learning anything I can to not only help myself but to be of service to others, helping empower and teach people how to ​help themselves. After completing my first yoga teacher training, I have since gained a few specialty certificates and am currently ​working on completing a few more. My most rewarding population to work with is the U.S. Marine Corps as I am able to help Marines ​alleviate aches and pains while teaching them techniques to better manage stress, how to prevent future injuries, to listen to their ​bodies, and build strength while healing. In my free time, you will usually find me with my husband and three dogs either snuggling on the ​couch, hanging outside, on the water, enjoying some delicious food, mermaiding, or practicing Ariel yoga on my Lyra hoop.


“I always leave all relaxed. It's a nice break in my day to unwind”

“Yoga is my new Physical Therapy”

“I didn't realize how physical and relaxing yoga can be”


Thanks for checking us out, we hope to see you soon!


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